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My name is Jovanka and I am the founder of

Perfect Health Design project.

Great to see you here and looking forward to hear comments and feedback you may have.


We grow the World together!

Who I Am ...

An infinite Optimist and Warrior. 

Yes, I truly believe in infinite possibilities and perfection. 

Living on the Infinity Path for me means taking life as a platform for experimenting. 

Each experience is equally valid and valuable, an opportunity for a small research.

My passions are nature, engineering, yoga, energy medicine, education.

What I Do ...

Aerospace engineering and Energy Medicine are currently two areas of my work. 

I love designing shortcut solutions and contributing towards global growth and prosperity.

Aerospace & Energy Medicine ... The Link ...

I grew up in Serbia spending lots of time in nature, exploring the fields and forests and swimming in clean mountain rivers. Connection with nature was a great support on my life journey where I was always keen to explore science, sports, music, cooking, gardening, sewing.  

The choice of mechanical engineering and aerospace for my studies came out of my wish to work from the level of an idea and then through the process of designing and final manifestation. The journey continued when I came to UK to do the PhD studies in aerospace. This experience turned to be a great opening into the full-scale research of a life. 

At the times of a transition into a corporate world I started experiencing health imbalances, and that was when my views on life started to reshape.


My intuitive call was to design the healing program that suited my beliefs and character.   

A bit of a surprise, but there I was, an engineer yet researching a new field and making choices on alternative healing options such as Acupuncture and Yoga. I was building my new library, buying books I didn't know existed and reading texts full of terminology that was new but felt so familiar. Dedication and time investment helped restore hormonal balance in the most beautiful way. My daughter was then born in the most enjoyable and natural way, the one I never heard any other women spoke of before, although some readings were suggesting that as a possibility!  


Since that moment I am passionate about exploring ways to help others break through the life challenges by learning about who we really are ... Beings of Infinite Potentials.

By embracing challenges we create so much

space for the knowledge growth! 

Little signs by the road ...

Jovanka Mirkovic

When I made this drawing of my hand, on a May morning, around 4am, and after finishing the overnight studies for my exams ... it was not obvious where it all suddenly came from. Looking back from this perspective when Energy Medicine work is part of my life it all makes much more sense. 

I love how the intuition gives us signs on our life path!

Combining Engineering and  Energy Medicine work feels very natural to me. 

The ideas of structure, integrity, boundaries, strength and logic are present in both fields. If we think of anything we do through our lives, it is a beautiful energy work! 


  • Dipl. Ing., PhD Aerospace

  • EEM Certified Practitioner

  • Biomagnetism Practitioner Level 2

  • Member of the Kinesiology Federation

  • Yoga Teacher Induction Training

Jovanka Mirkovic
Anchor Credentials

Uday (2018)

I was introduced to EEM by my very good friend Jovanka at the times when I was suffering from hip pain couple of years ago. I liked the concept behind it and it was connecting with some of the techniques I have been practicing such as Yoga and Reiki. Jovanka explained about the practice in detail and helped me understand the concepts and the practices around them in a clear detailed manner. She is always full of energy and enthusiasm, which I felt was great from healing perspective. I started practicing some of the techniques suggested including the five minutes daily practice. That helped a lot with my hip pain.

After some time, EEM and the support of Jovanka became very important when I was diagnosed with Lymphoma, which I realised was related to the hip pain. I started undergoing Chemo and then Radiation therapy by conventional means, but I really needed supportive alternative therapies to help me to support the healing process and go through these most difficult times with ease. I cannot explain in words how helpful it was for me to work with Jovanka and receive so much of support during the times. I was provided with home sessions with detailed explanations and practical techniques tailored for my needs with respect to my treatment and healing. For example, pressing the kidney and bladder points to help reduce nausea, lymph massage points chart, which explained how to massage each points of lymph nodes to unblock and channel the energy flow etc.

Jovanka was a great support beyond words, with practical EEM techniques for my treatments but also being a good truthful soul, always full of energy and smile, which helped me a lot getting better. I cannot recommend enough Jovanka for those who are in need of healing or even being in a good health state. All the very best 'Infinite' vibrational wishes :))

Tuba (2019)

I always had an understanding that the energy plays an important role in our well-being, our bodies, and our minds, and was kind of intuitively managing my energy to reduce my stress or having a good sleep etc. I heard about Eden Energy Medicine from Jovanka Mirkovic and learnt it in more detail during regular sessions. It made me look in more depth into the energy healing concept. When I had a session with Jovanka she knew exactly how to pass the energy flow through my whole body and I felt every transmission of the flow. That was activating my body's subtle energy to remove blockages and to heal itself.

It is worth mentioning that I have a flight anxiety and can get really nervous about flying. Even for one session with Jovanka on this particular area I felt relaxed and able to set my mind in a different way. Over time I have become more comfortable and fly regularly for business purposes feeling more relaxed.

I can honestly say that Jovanka has a gift, and she has figured out how she can turn this gift into a meaningful, beneficial way to transfer it over many people around her or even in many other places.

Many Thanks Jovanka. You are a blessed woman.


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